$$ \newcommand{\D}{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand{\E}{\mathcal{E}} \newcommand{\order}[2][1]{#2^{(#1)}} \newcommand{\reals}{\mathbb{R}} $$

7  Eigenmodes of the hessian of the energy

In view of stability analysis, the eigenvalues \(\alpha\) and eigenvectors \(x\) of the hessian of the energy are expanded in this chapter to second order in \(\eta\)

from sympy import *
from lsk.display import *
from lsk.symbols import *
from lsk.energy import *

x0_V, x0_W = symbols(r"{\order[0]{x}_V} {\order[0]{x}_W}")
x1_V, x1_W = symbols(r"{\order[1]{x}_V} {\order[1]{x}_W}")
x2_V, x2_W = symbols(r"{\order[2]{x}_V} {\order[2]{x}_W}")
α0, α1, α2 = symbols(r"{\order[0]{\alpha}} {\order[1]{\alpha}} {\order[2]{\alpha}}")

χ0 = IndexedBase(r"\order[0]{\chi}")
χ1 = IndexedBase(r"\order[1]{\chi}")

x = (x0_V + x0_W) + η * (x1_V + x1_W) + η**2 / 2 * (x2_V + x2_W) + O(η**3)
α = α0 + η * α1 + η**2 / 2 * α2 + O(η**3)

display_latex_dict({"x": x, r"\alpha": α}, num_cols=1)

\(\displaystyle \begin{aligned}x&={\order[0]{x}_W} + {\order[0]{x}_V} + \eta \left({\order[1]{x}_V} + {\order[1]{x}_W}\right) + \frac{\eta^{2} \left({\order[2]{x}_V} + {\order[2]{x}_W}\right)}{2} + O\left(\eta^{3}\right)\\\alpha&={\order[0]{\alpha}} + \eta {\order[1]{\alpha}} + \frac{\eta^{2} {\order[2]{\alpha}}}{2} + O\left(\eta^{3}\right)\\\end{aligned}\)

Note that the eigenvector \(x\) is projected onto \(V\) and \(W\) : \(\order[k]{x}_V \in V\) and \(\order[k]{x}_W \in W\). It will be convenient to expand the \(V\)-component in the \((v_1, \ldots, v_m)\) basis

\[ \order[k]{x}_V = \order[k]{\chi}_i \, v_i. \]

We immediately have the following simplification rules

rules = {
    E2 * v[i]: 0,
    E2 * x0_V: 0,
    E2 * x1_V: 0,
    E2 * x2_V: 0

We focus in this chapter on potentially unstable eigenmodes, for which the eigenvalue \(\alpha\) might be negative in the vicinity of \(\eta = 0\). It will be shown that these eigenmodes are necessarily such that \(\order[0]{\alpha} = 0\). In that case, \(\order[0]{x}_W = 0\) and

\[ \order[1]{x}_W = \order[1]{\lambda} \, \order[0]{\chi}_j \, w_{j} + \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, w_{jk}. \tag{7.1}\]

The coefficients \(\order[1]{\alpha}\), \(\order[2]{\alpha}\), \(\order[0]{\chi}_i\) and \(\order[1]{\chi}_i\) solve the following equations

\[ \bigl( E_{ijk} \, \order[1]{\xi_k} + \order[1]\lambda \, \dot{E}_{ij} \bigr) \, \order[0]{\chi_j} = \order[1]\alpha \, \order[0]{\chi_i}, \tag{7.2}\]


\[ \begin{aligned} \bigl[ E_{ijkl} \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \order[1]{\xi}_l + \order[1]{\lambda} \, \bigl( 2\dot{E}_{ijk} \, \order[1]{\xi}_k + \order[1]{\lambda} \, \ddot{E}_{ij} \bigr)+ E_{ijk} \, \order[2]{\xi}_k &\\ + \order[2]{\lambda} \, \dot{E}_{ij} \bigr] \order[0]{\chi}_j + 2\bigl( E_{ijk} \, \order[1]{\xi}_k + \order[1]{\lambda} \, \dot{E}_{ij} \bigr) \, \order[1]{\chi}_j &= 2 \order[1]{\alpha} \, \order[1]{\chi}_i + \order[2]{\alpha} \, \order[0]{\chi}_i. \end{aligned} \tag{7.3}\]

7.1 The eigenvalue problem

The eigenvalues \(\alpha \in \reals\) and eigenvectors \(x \in U\) of the hessian are such that

\[ \E_{, u u} [u(\eta), \lambda(\eta); x, \hat{u}] = \alpha \, \langle x, \hat{u} \rangle \quad \text{for all} \quad \hat{u} \in U, \tag{7.4}\]

where \(\eta \mapsto \lambda(\eta)\) and \(\eta \mapsto u(\eta)\) define the bifurcated branch.

In Chapter 5 and in Chapter 6, the following asymptotic expansions of \(\lambda(\eta)\), \(u(\eta)\) and \(\E_{,uu}[u(\eta), \lambda(\eta); \bullet, \bullet]\) were derived

H0 = E2
H1 = E3 * u1 + λ1 * E2_dot
H2 = (E4 * u1 * u1  + E3 * (u2_V + u2_W) 
      + 2 * λ1 * E3_dot * u1 + λ1**2 * E2_ddot + λ2 * E2_dot)

H = expand(H0 + η * H1 + η**2 / 2 * H2 + O(η**3))
display_latex_long_equation(r"\E_{uu}[u(\eta), λ(\eta)]", H, terms_per_line=6)

\(\displaystyle \begin{aligned}\E_{uu}[u(\eta), λ(\eta)]={} &\E_{2} + \frac{\E_{3} \eta^{2} {\order[2]{u}_V}}{2} + \frac{\E_{3} \eta^{2} {\order[2]{u}_W}}{2} + \E_{3} \eta {\order[1]{u}} + \frac{\E_{4} \eta^{2} {\order[1]{u}}^{2}}{2} + \dot{\E}_2 \eta {\order[1]{\lambda}}\\ &+\dot{\E}_3 \eta^{2} {\order[1]{\lambda}} {\order[1]{u}} + \frac{\dot{\E}_2 \eta^{2} {\order[2]{\lambda}}}{2} + \frac{\ddot{\E}_2 \eta^{2} {\order[1]{\lambda}}^{2}}{2} + O\left(\eta^{3}\right)\end{aligned}\)

We define the left-hand side and right-hand side of the variational problem that defines the eigenpairs \((\alpha, x)\) at all orders.

lhs = (H * x * u_hat).subs(rules).expand()
rhs =* x * u_hat).subs(rules).expand()

The terms of order 0, 1 and 2 in \(\eta\) are identified below.

7.2 The variational problem of order 0

lhs0 = lhs.coeff(η, 0).subs(rules)
rhs0 = rhs.coeff(η, 0)

The lowest-order problem reads: find \(\order[0]{x}_V \in V\), \(\order[0]{x}_W \in W\) and \(\order[0]\alpha\in\reals\) such that, for all \(\hat{u} \in U\)

display_latex_equation(lhs0, rhs0)

\(\displaystyle \E_{2} \hat{u} {\order[0]{x}_W}=\hat{u} {\order[0]{\alpha}} {\order[0]{x}_V} + \hat{u} {\order[0]{\alpha}} {\order[0]{x}_W}\)

to be understood as

\[ \E_2(\order[0]x_W, \hat{u}) = \order[0]\alpha \langle \order[0]x_V, \hat{u} \rangle + \order[0]\alpha \langle \order[0]x_W, \hat{u} \rangle. \]

This variational equation is tested with an element \(\hat{w} \in W\). Then, \(\langle \order[0]{x}_W, \hat{w} \rangle\) vanished and we are left with finding \(\order[0]{x}_W \in W\) such that, for all \(\hat{w} \in W\),

\[ \E_2(\order[0]x_W, \hat{w}) = \order[0]\alpha \langle \order[0]x_W, \hat{w} \rangle. \]

If \(\order[0]{x}_W \neq 0\), then \(\order[0]{\alpha}\) is an eigenvalue of \(\E_2\) over \(W\). Therefore, \(\order[0]{\alpha} > 0\) and \(\alpha > 0\) in the vicinity of the critical point \(\lambda = \lambda_0\): the resulting eigenmode is stable. So, in order to find potentially unstable modes, we need to consider that \(\order[0]{x}_W = 0\) and \(\order[0]{\alpha} = 0\).

rules[α0] = 0
rules[x0_W] = 0

7.3 The variational problem of order 1

lhs1 = lhs.coeff(η, 1).subs(rules)
rhs1 = rhs.coeff(η, 1).subs(rules)

The problem reads: find \(\order[O]x_V \in V\), \(\order[1]x_W \in W\) and \(\order[1]\alpha\in\reals\) such that, for all \(\hat{u} \in U\)

display_latex_equation(lhs1, rhs1)

\(\displaystyle \E_{2} \hat{u} {\order[1]{x}_W} + \E_{3} \hat{u} {\order[0]{x}_V} {\order[1]{u}} + \dot{\E}_2 \hat{u} {\order[0]{x}_V} {\order[1]{\lambda}}=\hat{u} {\order[0]{x}_V} {\order[1]{\alpha}}\)

Testing first with \(\hat{u} = v_i\) delivers the following variational problem: find \(\order[0]{x}_V \in V\) such that, for all \(i=1, \ldots, m\)

d = {
    u_hat: v[i],
    x0_V : χ0[j] * v[j],
    u1 : ξ1[k] * v[k]
lhs1a = lhs1.subs(d).subs(rules)
rhs1a = rhs1.subs(d).subs(rules).subs(χ0[j] * v[j] * v[i], χ0[i])

display_latex_equation(lhs1a, rhs1a)

\(\displaystyle \E_{3} {\order[0]{\chi}}_{j} {v}_{i} {v}_{j} {v}_{k} {{\order[1]{\xi}}}_{k} + \dot{\E}_2 {\order[1]{\lambda}} {\order[0]{\chi}}_{j} {v}_{i} {v}_{j}={\order[1]{\alpha}} {\order[0]{\chi}}_{i}\)

and Eq. (7.2) is retrieved.

The test function is now picked in \(W = V^\perp\) and we get the following variational problem: find \(\order[1]{x}_W \in W\) such that, for all \(\hat{w} \in W\),

d = {
    u_hat: w_hat,
    x0_V : χ0[i] * v[i],
    u1 : ξ1[j] * v[j]
lhs1b = lhs1.subs(d).subs(rules)
rhs1b = rhs1.subs(d).subs(rules).subs(v[i] * w_hat, 0)

display_latex_equation(lhs1b, rhs1b)

\(\displaystyle \E_{2} \hat{w} {\order[1]{x}_W} + \E_{3} \hat{w} {\order[0]{\chi}}_{i} {v}_{i} {v}_{j} {{\order[1]{\xi}}}_{j} + \dot{\E}_2 \hat{w} {\order[1]{\lambda}} {\order[0]{\chi}}_{i} {v}_{i}=0\)

(observe that, in the RHS, \(\langle v_i, \hat{w} \rangle = 0\) since \(V\) and \(W\) are orthogonal subspaces). The solution to the above problem is expressed as a linear combination of the \(w_{ij}\) and \(w_i\) –defined by the variational problems (2.5) and (2.4), respectively–, delivering Eq. (7.1).

rules[x1_W] = χ0[k] * ξ1[l] * w[k, l] + λ1 * χ0[k] * w[k]

7.4 The variational problem of order 2

The terms of second order are tested against elements of \(V\) only.

lhs2 = expand(2 * lhs.coeff(η, 2).subs(u_hat, v[i]).subs(rules))
rhs2 = expand(2 * rhs.coeff(η, 2).subs(u_hat, v[i]).subs(rules))

Use some orthogonality conditions in the right-hand side.

rhs2 = rhs2.subs({
    x0_V * v[i]: χ0[i],
    x1_V * v[i]: χ1[i],
    v[i] * w[k]: 0,
    v[i] * w[k, l]: 0

Plug expansions \[ \order[1]{u} = \order[1]{\xi}_i \, v_i, \quad \order[2]{u}_V = \order[2]{\xi}_i \, v_i, \quad \order[0]{x}_V = \order[0]{\chi}_i \, v_i, \quad \text{and} \quad \order[1]{x}_V = \order[1]{\chi}_i \, v_i. \]

d = dict()

d[E2_dot * v[i] * x0_V] = χ0[j] * E2_dot * v[i] * v[j]
d[E2_dot * v[i] * x1_V] = χ1[j] * E2_dot * v[i] * v[j]
d[E2_ddot * x0_V * v[i]] = χ0[j] * E2_ddot * v[i] * v[j]
d[E3 * v[i] * x1_V * u1] = χ1[j] * ξ1[k] * E3 * v[i] * v[j] * v[k]
d[E3 * v[i] * x0_V * u2_V] = χ0[j] * ξ2[k] * E3 * v[i] * v[j] * v[k]
d[E3_dot * v[i] * x0_V * u1] = χ0[j] * ξ1[k] * E3_dot * v[i] * v[j] * v[k]
d[E4 * v[i] * x0_V * u1 * u1] =0[j] * ξ1[k] * ξ1[l] 
                                 * E4 * v[i] * v[j] * v[k] * v[l])

lhs2 = lhs2.subs(d)

Rename some indices.

lhs2 = lhs2.subs({
    χ0[k] * E2_dot * v[i] * w[k]: χ0[j] * E2_dot * v[i] * w[j],
    χ0[k] * ξ1[l] * w[k, l]: χ0[j] * ξ1[k] * w[j, k]

\[ \begin{aligned} \E_3(\order[0]{x}_V, \order[2]{u}_W, v_i) ={} & \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \bigl[ \order[1]{\xi}_l \, \E_3(v_i, v_j, w_{kl}) + 2\order[1]{\lambda} \, \E_3(v_i, v_j, w_k) \bigr]\\ ={} & \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \order[1]{\xi}_l \, \E_3(v_i, v_j, w_{kl}) + 2\order[1]{\lambda} \, \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \dot{\E}_2(v_k, w_{ij}) \end{aligned} \]

lhs2 = lhs2.subs(E3 * v[i] * x0_V * u2_W,
0[j] * ξ1[k] * ξ1[l]
                  * E3 * v[i] * v[j] * w[k,l]
                  + 2 * λ1 * χ0[j] * ξ1[k]
                  * E2_dot * v[k] * w[i, j])).expand()

\[ \order[0]{\chi}_k \, \E_3(v_i, \order[1]{u}, w_k) = \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \E_3(v_i, v_k, w_j) = \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \dot{\E}_2(v_j, w_{ik}) \]

lhs2 = lhs2.subs(χ0[k] * E3 * v[i] * u1 * w[k],
                 χ0[j] * ξ1[k] * E2_dot * v[j] * w[i, k]).expand()

\[ \begin{aligned} \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \E_3(v_i, w_{j, k}, \order[1]{u}) = {} & \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \order[1]{\xi}_l \, \E_3(v_i, v_l, w_{j, k})\\ &= \tfrac{1}{2} \order[0]{\chi}_j \, \order[1]{\xi}_k \, \order[1]{\xi}_l \, \bigl[ \E_3(v_i, v_k, w_{j, l}) + \E_3(v_i, v_l, w_{j, k}) \bigr] \end{aligned} \]

lhs2 = lhs2.subs(χ0[j] * ξ1[k] * E3 * v[i] * w[j, k] * u1,
                 χ0[j] * ξ1[k] * ξ1[l] / 2 
                 * (E3 * v[i] * v[k] * w[j, l]
                    + E3 * v[i] * v[l] * w[j, k])).expand()
lhs2 = lhs2.subs({
    E2_dot * v[i] * v[j]: E_dot[i, j],
    E2_ddot * v[i] * v[j]: (E_ddot[i, j] - 2 * E2_dot * v[i] * w[j]),
    E3 * v[i] * v[j] * v[k]: E[i, j, k],
    E3_dot * v[i] * v[j] * v[k]: (E_dot[i, j, k]
                                     - E2_dot * v[i] * w[j, k]
                                     - E2_dot * v[j] * w[i, k]
                                     - E2_dot * v[k] * w[i, j]),
    E4 *v[i] * v[j] * v[k] * v[l]: (E[i, j, k, l] 
                                    - E3 * v[i] * (v[j] * w[k, l]
                                                   + v[k] * w[j, l]
                                                   + v[l] * w[j, k]))

And Eq. (7.3) is finally retrieved.

expected = ((E[i, j, k, l] * ξ1[k] * ξ1[l]
            + λ1 * (2 * E_dot[i, j, k] * ξ1[k] + λ1 * E_ddot[i, j])
            + E[i, j, k] * ξ2[k]
            + λ2 * E_dot[i, j]) * χ0[j]
            + 2 * (E[i, j, k] * ξ1[k] + λ1 * E_dot[i, j]) * χ1[j])

assert expand(lhs2 - expected) == 0

expected = 2 * α1 * χ1[i] + α2 * χ0[i]

assert expand(rhs2 - expected) == 0