
This chapter provides the theoretical background to the Perram–Wertheim algorithm [PW85]. We use matrices rather than tensors: a point/vector is therefore defined through the 3×1 column-vector of its coordinates. Likewise, a second-rank tensor is represented by its 3×3 matrix.

Only the global, cartesian frame is considered here, and there is no ambiguity about the basis to which these column vectors and square matrices refer.

Mathematical representation of ellipsoids

Ellipsoids are defined from their center c and a positive-definite quadratic form Q as the set of points m such that:

(1)    (m-c)ᵀ⋅Q⁻¹⋅(m-c) ≤ 1.

Q is a symmetric, positive-definite matrix:

(2)    Q = ∑ aᵢ² vᵢ⋅vᵢᵀ,

where a₁, a₂, a₃ are the lengths of the principal semi-axes and v₁, v₂, v₃ their directions (unit vectors).

In the PW85 library, Q is represented as a double[6] array q which stores the upper triangular part of Q in row-major order:

           ⎡ q[0] q[1] q[2] ⎤
(3)    Q = ⎢      q[3] q[4] ⎥.
           ⎣ sym.      q[5] ⎦

The contact function of two ellipsoids

Let E₁ and E₂ be two ellipsoids, defined by their centers c₁ and c₂ and quadratic forms Q₁ and Q₂, respectively.

For 0 λ 1 and a point x, we introduce the function:

(4)    F(x, λ) = λ(x-c₁)ᵀ⋅Q₁⁻¹⋅(x-c₁)+(1-λ)(x-c₂)ᵀ⋅Q₂⁻¹⋅(x-c₂).

For fixed λ, F(x, λ) has a unique minimum [PW85] f(λ), and we define:

(5)    f(λ) = min{ F(x, λ), x ∈ ℝ³ }, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1.

Now, the function f has a unique maximum over [0, 1], and the“contact function” F(r₁₂, Q₁, Q₂) of ellipsoids E₁ and E₂ is defined as:

(6)    F(r₁₂, Q₁, Q₂) = max{ f(λ), 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 },

where r₁₂ = c₂-c₁. It can be shown that

  • if F(r₁₂, Q₁, Q₂) < 1 then E₁ and E₂ overlap,

  • if F(r₁₂, Q₁, Q₂) = 1 then E₁ and E₂ are externally tangent,

  • if F(r₁₂, Q₁, Q₂) > 1 then E₁ and E₂ do not overlap.

The contact function therefore provides a criterion to check overlap of two ellipsoids. The PW85 library computes this value.

Geometric interpretation

The scalar λ being fixed, we introduce the minimizer x₀(λ) of F(x, λ). The stationarity of F w.r.t to x reads:

(7)    ∇F(x₀(λ), λ) = 0,

which leads to:

(8)    λQ₁⁻¹⋅[x₀(λ)-c₁] + (1-λ)Q₂⁻¹⋅[x₀(λ)-c₂] = 0,

and can be rearranged:

(9a)    x₀(λ)-c₁ = (1-λ)Q₁⋅Q⁻¹⋅r₁₂,
(9b)    x₀(λ)-c₂ = -λQ₂⋅Q⁻¹⋅r₁₂,


(10)    Q = (1-λ)Q₁ + λQ₂.

It results from the above that:

(11)    f(λ) = F(x₀(λ), λ) = λ(1-λ)r₁₂ᵀ⋅Q⁻¹⋅r₁₂.

Maximization of f with respect to λ now delivers the stationarity condition:

(12)    0 = f'(λ) = ∇F(x₀(λ), λ)⋅x₀'(λ) + ──(x₀(λ), λ).

Using Eqs. (4) and (7), it is found that f is minimum for λ = λ₀ such that:

(13)    [x₀(λ₀)-c₁]ᵀ⋅Q₁⁻¹⋅[x₀(λ₀)-c₁] = [x₀(λ₀)-c₂]ᵀ⋅Q₂⁻¹⋅[x₀(λ₀)-c₂].

Let μ² be this common value. It trivially results from Eqs. (4) and (13) that μ² = F(x₀(λ₀), λ₀). In other words, μ² is the value of the contact function.

We are now in a position to give a geometric interpretation of μ. It results from Eq. (13) and the definition of μ that:

(14a)    [x₀(λ₀)-c₁]ᵀ⋅(μ²Q₁)⁻¹⋅[x₀(λ₀)-c₁] = 1,


(14b)    [x₀(λ₀)-c₂]ᵀ⋅(μ²Q₂)⁻¹⋅[x₀(λ₀)-c₂] = 1.

The above equations mean that x₀(λ₀) belongs to both ellipsoids centered at cⱼ and defined by the symmetric, positive-definite quadratic form μ²Qⱼ (j = 1, 2). These two ellipsoids are nothing but the initial ellipsoids E₁ and E₂, scaled by the same factor μ.

Furthermore, Eq. (8) applies for λ = λ₀. Therefore, the normals to the scaled ellipsoids coincide at x₀(λ₀): the two scaled ellipsoids are externally tangent.

To sum up, μ is the common factor by wich ellipsoids E₁ and E₂ must be scaled in order for them to be externally tangent at point x₀(λ₀).